Monday, August 1, 2016


The most common theme among these poems and songs is hard work. Hard work is the characteristic that sets sports apart from other hobbies. It is only consistent, hard work that will set a great player apart from a good player. The other themes—teamwork, diversity, and so on—are characteristics that make sports great. Sports teach a young man or woman values and responsibilities that he or she will carry for the rest of his or her life. I have found that the literary element I found most common in the "good" poems was tone. I was most attracted to the very emotional, motivating tone.  The tone where the author really put meaning behind his words. I surprisingly didn't care for rhyming. Prior to doing this project, I assumed most poems/songs rhymed. However, this was not the case. I also never truly listened for the imagery or symbolism behind the poems/songs I have analyzed. These are all songs that I have known for a while and can mostly quote. However, I was only attracted to the rhythm voice of the song. Now that I have analyzed them, I really understand what they mean. This will motivate me to really listen to the tone and words of songs that I listen to in the future.  

My main goal of this blog was to give the reader some insight into what it means to be a sports fan. It's much more than watching your favorite teams go at it, every week. There is really heart and emotion behind the games. There are hours and hours of motivated practice behind the face of every athlete. Hours of traveling, falling down, and getting back up. There are bonds between those players that a camera could never catch. It is the love of the game that keeps a player working, and that love of the game will never truly leave an athlete. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed. 

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