Monday, August 1, 2016

Works Cited

Barrett, David. "One Shining Moment." One Shining Moment Lyrics. ChaffeeServices. 1986. Web. 1 Aug 16. 
Chesney, Kenny. "The Boys of Fall." Kenny Chesney Lyrics. n.d. Web. 1 Aug 16. 
Harper, Michael S. "Makin' Jump Shots." Poetry Foundation. Poetry Foundation. 1977. Web. 1 Aug 16. 
Herrera, Juan F. "All the Thoughts at a Football Game." 1948. Web. 1 Aug 2016.  
K'naan. "Wavin' Flag." K'naan Lyrics. n.d. Web. 1 Aug 16. 
Merrill, Christopher. "A Boy Juggling a Soccer Ball." 2001. Web. 1 Aug 16. 
Queen. "We Are The Champions." Queen Lyrics. n.d. Web. 1 Aug 16. 
Survivor. "Eye of the Tiger." Survivor Lyrics. n.d. Web. 1 Aug 16. 


The most common theme among these poems and songs is hard work. Hard work is the characteristic that sets sports apart from other hobbies. It is only consistent, hard work that will set a great player apart from a good player. The other themes—teamwork, diversity, and so on—are characteristics that make sports great. Sports teach a young man or woman values and responsibilities that he or she will carry for the rest of his or her life. I have found that the literary element I found most common in the "good" poems was tone. I was most attracted to the very emotional, motivating tone.  The tone where the author really put meaning behind his words. I surprisingly didn't care for rhyming. Prior to doing this project, I assumed most poems/songs rhymed. However, this was not the case. I also never truly listened for the imagery or symbolism behind the poems/songs I have analyzed. These are all songs that I have known for a while and can mostly quote. However, I was only attracted to the rhythm voice of the song. Now that I have analyzed them, I really understand what they mean. This will motivate me to really listen to the tone and words of songs that I listen to in the future.  

My main goal of this blog was to give the reader some insight into what it means to be a sports fan. It's much more than watching your favorite teams go at it, every week. There is really heart and emotion behind the games. There are hours and hours of motivated practice behind the face of every athlete. Hours of traveling, falling down, and getting back up. There are bonds between those players that a camera could never catch. It is the love of the game that keeps a player working, and that love of the game will never truly leave an athlete. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed. 

Wavin' Flag by K'naan (2009)

Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher
See the champions, take the field now, you define us, make us feel proud

In the streets our heads are lifting, as we lose our inhibition,
Celebration, it's around us, every nations, all around us

Singing forever young, singing songs underneath that sun
Let's rejoice in the beautiful game, and together at the end of the day.
We all say,

When I get older
I will be stronger
They'll call me 'Freedom'
Just like a wavin' flag
And then it goes back, and then it goes back
And then it goes back, and then it goes...

Born to a throne, stronger than Rome
But violent-prone, poor people zone,

But it's my home, all I have known,
Where I got grown, streets we would roam

Out of the darkness, I came the farthest
Among the hardest survival
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat

So we strugglin'
Fightin' to eat
And we wonderin'
When we'll be free
So we patiently wait
For that fateful day
It's not far away,
But for now we say:


So many wars, settlin' scores,
Bringing us promises, leaving us poor,

I heard them say, love is the way
Love is the answer, that's what they say

But look how they treat us, make us believers
We fight their battles, then they deceive us

Try to control us, they couldn't hold us
'Cause we just move forward like Buffalo soldiers



At first look this does not fit the theme of the other songs and poems in this blog? Why is that? It has nothing in it about sports. It has no symbolism or imagery representing sports. Why is it being used, then? This song was the official song of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Portraying a young refugee's life as he made it out of his childhood hell by fighting, it was the official song of one of the largest championships in the world. I chose this song because it shows that sports are much more than athletes hitting each other out on the open field. It brings together people from different backgrounds to be on one side. People who speak different languages to become a family. All of this different people with one common goal—to win. 

The first literary device seen is repetition and imagery. The writer uses repetition to place emphasis on the motion of a flag. Providing a mental picture through imagery, this flag is meant to represent freedom. An idea that this boy chased after his entire childhood. The tone of this part of the song is desire. The author is very serious about wanting to be free. Next the tone shifts to very dark as he describes what he had to go through as a young boy. "Born to a throne, stronger than roam" is a metaphor used to show how strong his tyrannic government was. The tone then shifts back to motivating again. He shows what it took to get out of this place. "Out of the darkness, I came the farthest/ Among the hardest survival/ Learn from these streets, it can be bleak/ Accept no defeat, surrender retreat". I believe this is where the song ties into a sports theme. This refugee escaped his childhood home, which the odds were very low. He accepted nothing less and did whatever it took to get there, An athlete must have the same attitude to become the best. There will be times when an athlete goes up against someone who is much better than them. However, heart is one of the most important aspects of a sport. It takes more than natural talent to be the best. One must have the heart and will to do whatever it takes to win—just as this refugee did to become free.  

Eye of the Tiger by Survivor (1982)

Rising up, back on the street
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive

So many times it happens too fast
You trade your passion for glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

Face to face, out in the heat
Hanging tough, staying hungry
They stack the odds still we take to the street
For the kill with the skill to survive

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

Rising up, straight to the top
Had the guts, got the glory
Went the distance, now I'm not gonna stop
Just a man and his will to survive

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

The eye of the tiger
The eye of the tiger
The eye of the tiger
The eye of the tiger



This song represents an athlete that is doing well. He's done his time and has the reputation of being good. However, the writer is trying to tell the listeners not to settle for just having a reputation. The writer is trying to tell the listeners to go the distance and keep on fighting. He wants you to hold on to that original dream or goal of yours and keep chasing it. Do not settle for good, keep on chasing greatness. This is why I love this song. Too many times, athletes become complacent. They forget how hard they have worked to get where they are. The theme of this song is to not settle—give it your all and live up to be the best you can be.  

The biggest literary device used to portray this theme is tone. The tone of this song is very motivating. Notice the diction the author uses in conjunction with the rhythm—"They stack the odds still we take to the street/ For the kill with the skill to survive". Also, the symbolism used of a tiger. This tiger who stalks his prey at night and does whatever it takes to survive. This represents a dedicated athlete who pays the price with blood, sweat, and tears to achieve his/her dreams. Repetition is used at the end of the song to really drive the theme home. "The eye of the tiger" is repeated four times as a stand alone verse. This is to emphasize the symbolism the writer uses in the song. To drive the importance of giving it your all and never giving up on your dreams.  

We are the Champions by Queen (1977)

                                                                    I've paid my dues
                                                                     Time after time.
                                                               I've done my sentence
                                                             But committed no crime.
                                                                   And bad mistakes ‒
I've made a few.
I've had my share of sand kicked in my face
But I've come through.

(And I need just go on and on, and on, and on)

We are the champions, my friends,
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end.
We are the champions.
We are the champions.
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world.

I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls
You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it
I thank you all

But it's been no bed of roses,
No pleasure cruise.
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race
And I ain't gonna lose.

(And I need just go on and on, and on, and on)

We are the champions, my friends,
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end.
We are the champions.
We are the champions.
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world.

We are the champions, my friends,
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end.
We are the champions.
We are the champions.
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions.



This is a very popular song that most people know—however, how many people really listen to the words Freddie Mercury wrote? There have been a countless number of close games I have won where this song was sang by our team immediately after. This song ties back into the theme of working hard to succeed. With each chorus, the writer announces that he and his team are the champions. However, the verses prior to each chorus talk about the hard work required to become a champion. This song really speaks to me because I spent countless hour trying to better myself, so  I could attempt to be the best. 

The writer of this song uses metaphors to describe the hard work required to become a champion. For example, I've had my share of sand kicked in my face/ But I've come through", is saying that the road wasn't always easy, and there were challenged, but the hard work pushed him down the road and to the prize. He also uses a hyperbole when he says "I consider it a challenge before the whole human race". I believe this exaggeration is used to say that he took the challenge to become the best very seriously. Notice, also, the writer refers to "we" as "friends". This is saying that the writer looked at his teammates as more than just fellow players—he looked at them as friends. Overall, this song is a song that describes the hard work required to excel at sports. 

One Shining Moment by David Barrett (1986)

The ball is tipped
and there you are
you’re running for your life
you’re a shooting star
And all the years
no one knows
just how hard you worked
but now it shows…
But time is short
and the road is long
in the blinking of an eye
ah that moment’s gone
And when it’s done
win or lose
you always did your best
cuz inside you knew…
Feel the beat of your heart
feel the wind in your face
it’s more than a contest
it’s more than a race…
And when it’s done
win or lose
you always did your best
cuz inside you knew…


I absolutely love the lyrics of this song. It was originally written about March Madness--the college basketball championships, held every year in March. The song can be used to describe any athlete who has ever competed in a big moment. For me, when I hear this song, it reminds me of wrestling in the state championships and playing soccer in district/regional championships. It reminds me of working so hard to get there, and it being over just like that. This is the case of any sport as the season comes to a close—one either wins it all or tries his/her best only to lose. Thus, the theme is to always try your hardest so that afterwards, win or lose, you can say you did your best. 

The major literary technique used in this song is imagery, The author uses imagery to make the listener feel as if he is really there. For example, "Feel the beat of your heart/ feel the wind in your face" is used to describe someone running. However, as an athlete, it quickly brings you back to the moment in time where you were there. The song uses repetition to take the listener to that moment, where everything was on the line. The most important moment in all of sports. The moment where you "win or lose". Additionally, metaphors, like calling the listener a shooting star, are used to really pull the you into the story. Finally, the theme of the song is a representation of the theme of sports. One works as hard as he can, for a very long time, to experience one moment. This one moment will test every bit of work that you have ever put in and define you as an athlete. In the end, you will either win or lose.  

A Boy Juggling a Soccer Ball by Christopher Merrill (2001)

after practice: right foot 
to left foot, stepping forward and back,  
to right foot and left foot, 
it on his thigh as he twists 
and left foot up to his thigh, holding  
like a tickle of sweat, not catching  
around in a circle, until it rolls  down the inside of his leg, 
  once, twice, three times, and tapping on the soft side of his foot, and juggling 
and holding the ball in midair,  hopping on one foot like a jump-roper  in the gym, now trapping balancing it on the instep 
lifting it overhead until it hangs there;  of his weak left foot, stepping forward  and forward and back, then and squaring off his body, 
until the ball, slowing, balances  he keeps the ball aloft with a nudge  of his neck, heading it from side to side, softer and softer,  like a dying refrain, 
hunching his shoulders itself on his hairline, the hot sun and sweat filling his eyes  as he jiggles this way and that, then flicking it up gently,  
blades of brown grass in summer heat;  and tilting his head back, he traps it  in the hollow of his neck, and bending at the waist, sees his shadow,  his dangling T-shirt, the bent 
he stumbled into, and pressing and relaxing, the ball slipping down his back. . .and missing his foot. 
He wheels around, he marches  over the ball, as if it were a rockand settles on his extended thigh before 
his left foot against it, he pushes it against the inside of his right until it pops into the air, is heeled over his head--the rainbow!-- rolling over his knee and down  
of summer, around the empty field. 
his shin, so he can juggle it again from his left foot to his right foot —and right foot to left foot to thigh—  
as he wanders, on the last day 



I chose this poem because I played soccer throughout my childhood. Juggling is a sort of solo practice where one learns to control his touch on the ball. This poem, specifically, describes a boy staying on the field, after practice, and juggling. It describes each move, each transition, he makes as he attempts to better himself. The main theme of this poem is that practice makes perfect. As with all sports, it takes hard work and dedication to better yourself; therefore, bettering the team. 

The author uses similes to describe the careful technique the boy uses. For example, "until it rolls/ down the inside of his leg,/ like a tickle of sweat", is used to describe the light touches and smooth rolling the boy uses to keep control of the ball. Moreover, the author uses these similes as a form of imagery. "Hopping on one foot like a jump-roper/in the gym, now trapping/ and holding the ball in midair". The reader is able to follow the movement and control of the ball as the boy practices. The author continues to use repetition to describe these moments. The tone of this poem is very serious. It is used to give the reader the sense of focus the boy is using to control the ball. At the end of the poem, the author begins to describe the hot summer day the boy is enduring, With this description, the boy finally misses and drops the ball. Rather than dread on it, the boy immediately uses a trick to get the ball back up in the air, and continues to juggle. This brings the story back in a full circle. The boy has started the juggling back up and is ready to concentrate and work hard. Hard work and dedication to better himself for the love of the game.